List of contributed papers
Oral presentations
- Cord L. Arnold (Lund University, Sweden)
- "Photoemission electron microscopy in an attosecond pump-probe beamline - attoPEEM"
- Elisabeth Monika Bothschafter (TU Munich, Germany)
- "Absolute Timescale in Attosecond Photoelectron Emission from Solids"
- Dimitrios Charalambidis (IESL-FORTH / University of Crete, Greece)
- "XUV-pump-XUV-probe studies of 1fs scale dynamics of atomic coherences"
- Ming-Chang Chen (JILA, University of Colorado, USA)
- "Phase-matched, Coherent, Attosecond Hard X-ray pulses from a Mid-IR Few-Cycle Tabletop Source"
- Eugene Frumker (University of Ottawa / NRC, Canada)
- "High Harmonic Generation with oriented molecules"
- Eleftherios Goulielmakis (MPI of Quantum Optics, Germany)
- "Sub-optical-cycle waveform light synthesis: Attosecond triggering and clocking of electron dynamics"
- Andy Kung (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
- "Synthesis and Measurement of Sub-femtosecond Subcycle Periodic Pulses"
- Lars Bojer Madsen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
- "Attoclock elicits physics of laser-induced tunnel ionization"
- Adrian Nikolaus Pfeiffer (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- "Sequential double ionization: the timing of release"
- Andrew D Shiner (National Research Council of Canada / University of Ottawa, Canada)
- "Probing collective multi-electron dynamics with high harmonic spectroscopy - the giant resonance in xenon"
- Caterina Vozzi (CNR-IFN, Italy)
- "A generalized approach to molecular orbital tomography"
- Huailiang Xu (Jilin University, China)
- "Ultrafast delocalization of protons in allene in intense laser fields"
Posters (As of May 27)
- Byungnam Ahn (POSTECH, Korea)
- "Attosecond light facility construction in CASTECH"
- Jungkwuen An (POSTECH, Korea)
- "Dispersion Control and Two-color Mixing for Super-continuum generation"
- Ladan Arissian (University of New Mexico, USA)
- "Velocity map imaging of molecular orbitals"
- Christopher A Arrell (Imperial College, UK)
- "A system for doing surface science with attosecond pulses"
- Bradley Bernhard Augstein (University College London, UK)
- "Influence of asymmetry and nodal structures on high-harmonic generation in heteronuclear molecules"
- Julien Beaudoin Bertrand (University of Ottawa / NRC, Canada)
- "Molecular Frame High Harmonic Generation"
- Antonin Borot (LOA-ENSTA, France)
- "Attosecond control of collective charge dynamics in plasmas"
- Francesca Calegari (Politecnico of Milan, Italy)
- "Control of attosecond pulse generation by tailoring electron quantum trajectories with non-adiabatic propagation in ionizing media"
- Nicolas Camus (MPI for Nuclear Physics, Germany)
- "Electron correlations in nonsequential double ionization of argon by ultrashort laser pulses"
- Luca Castiglioni (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
- "Attosecond Transversal Streaking to Probe Electron Dynamics at Metal-Molecule Interfaces"
- Charles Lewis Cocke (Kansas State University, USA)
- "Dynamic modification of the fragmentation of autoionizing excited states of O2+"
- Zsolt Diveki (CEA-Saclay, France)
- "Multi Orbital Dynamics in N2 Evidenced by HHG Phase Measurements"
- Antoine Dubrouil (CELIA, France)
- "Controlling high order harmonic generation by spatial shaping of intense laser beam for generating high energy isolated attosecond pulses"
- Agapi Emmanouilidou (University College London, UK)
- "Time-resolving intra-atomic two electron collision dynamics"
- Johannes Feist (ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA)
- "Attosecond pump-probe of doubly excited states in helium"
- Bettina Fischer (MPI for Nuclear Physics, Germany)
- "Steering the Electron Motion in H2+ by Nuclear Wave Packet Dynamics"
- Mizuho Fushitani (Nagoya University, Japan)
- "Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy by single-order harmonics at 80 nm: Application to a dissociating I2 molecule"
- Lukas Gallmann (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- "Electron wavepacket interference observed by attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy"
- Artem V. Gets (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia)
- "Field Phase Dependence in the Ionization of Atoms by Intense Ultrashort Pulses"
- Cheng Gong (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, China)
- "Generation of XUV harmonic supercontinuum driven by carrier-envelope phase stabilized intense few-cycle mid-infrared femtosecond pulses"
- Stefanie Graefe (Insitute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
- "Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Coupled Nuclear-Electronic Motion"
- Christoph Michael Heyl (Lund University, Sweden)
- "Spectral Maker Fringes in High-Order Harmonic Generation"
- Kyung-Han Hong (MIT, USA)
- "CEP-stable, few-cycle, kHz OPCPAs for attosecond science: Energy scaling and coherent sub-cycle pulse synthesis"
- Weiyi Hong (Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
- "Broadband xuv supercontinuum generation by quantum path control"
- Hironori Igarashi (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- "Enhancement of the photon flux of a monochromatized high harmonic by phase matching in a hollow fiber"
- Nobuhisa Ishii (Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan)
- "Few-cycle, phase-locked, octave IR OPA using BIBO and 800-nm pump"
- Yuhai Jiang (MPI for Nuclear Physics, Germany)
- "Time-resolved XUV-induced Isomerization and H3 Formation in C2H4 cation"
- Tsuneto Kanai (RIKEN, Japan)
- "Generation of highly phase-matched isolated attosecond pulses using multi-mJ, carrier-envelope phase stabilized, few-cycle laser pulses"
- Byunghoon Kim (POSTECH, Korea)
- "Generation of ultrashort pulse in deep-UV"
- Kyung Taec Kim (University of Ottawa, Canada)
- "Design of a versatile photoelectron spectrometer for attosecond physics"
- Matthias Friedrich Kling (MPI of Quantum Optics, Germany)
- "Attosecond control of electron correlation in atomic and molecular double ionization"
- Dong Hyuk Ko (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
- "Rigorous temporal characterization of attosecond pulse trains"
- Siva Rama Krishnan (MPI for Nuclear Physics, Germany)
- "Ignition of Doped Helium Nanodroplets in Intense Few-cycle IR Pulses"
- Sandeep Kumar (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)
- "Isolated attosecond hard x-ray pulse generation using 10 GeV PAL XFEL"
- Chien-Jen Lai (MIT, USA)
- "Plasma Defocusing in High Harmonic Generation"
- Pengfei Lan (RIKEN, Japan)
- "Efficient generation of isolated attosecond pulse with CEP-unstabilized multicycle infrared double optical gating"
- Guillaume Marc Laurent (James R. Macdonald Laboratory, Kansas State University, USA)
- "Study of asymmetric electron emission in two colors ionization of helium (XUV-IR)"
- Anh-Thu Le (Kansas State University, USA)
- "Probing ultrafast molecular dynamics with high-order harmonic generation"
- Francois Legare (Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Center, INRS, Canada)
- "Water window HHG with CEP stable two-cycle 1.8 micron laser pulses"
- Chengquan Li (Coherent Inc., USA)
- "Single Shot Carrier Envelope Phase Stabilization of a 10 kHz, 10W Regenerative Amplifier"
- PengCheng Li (Center for Quantum Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
- "Optimization of three-color laser field for the generation of single ultrashort attosecond pulse"
- Nan Lin (CEA-Saclay, France)
- "Attosecond pulse manipulation with chirped multilayer mirrors"
- Chien-Nan Liu (Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan)
- "Theoretical study of multi-photon double electron excitation of He by intense EUV pulses"
- Zhi-Heng Loh (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- "Investigating strong-field ionization with attosecond core-level absorption spectroscopy"
- Erik Lotstedt (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- "Efficient ionization at the C-H bonds in acetylene in intense laser fields"
- Ayumu Makida (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- "Temporal optimization of the time-delay-compensated monochromator"
- Hiroki Mashiko (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
- "Frequency-controlled isolated attosecond pulses characterized by both 750 nm and 400 nm wavelength streak fields"
- Francois Mauger (Centre de Physique Theorique, CNRS / Aix-Marseille University, France)
- "Strong field double ionization with circularly polarized light."
- Moritz Meckel (Institut fuer Kernphysik, J.W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt, Germany)
- "More Laser-Induced Electron Tunneling and Diffraction - Towards Tunneling Tomography"
- Jing Miao (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, China)
- "Single attosecond pulses generation in the orthogonally polarized linear chirped laser field"
- Walid Tawfik Younes Mohamed (POSTECH, Korea)
- "Toward high-order harmonic generation from ions by a femtosecond terawatt laser in plasma waveguide produced by clustered gas jet"
- Yasuo Nabekawa (RIKEN, Japan)
- "Beam Splitters for High-Order Harmonics Using Transparent Materials to Visible Light"
- Stefan Nagele (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Austria)
- "Time-resolved atomic photoemission by attosecond streaking"
- Matteo Negro (Politecnico of Milan, Italy)
- "XUV supercontinuum generated by incommensurate two-color mid-IR optical parametric amplifier"
- Stefan Neppl (TU Munich, Germany)
- "Attosecond Electron Dynamics at Metal-Metal Interfaces"
- Hiromichi Niikura (Waseda University, Japan)
- "Attosecond electron wave packet motion mapped on two-dimensional high harmonic generation spectra"
- Katsuya Oguri (NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan)
- "High-order harmonic photoelectron spectroscopy system towards measuring attosecond electron dynamics on solid surfaces"
- Nobuhiro Ohta (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- "Time-Resolved Electrophotoluminescence Measurements: Electric Field Effects on Photoexcitation Dynamics"
- Thomas Oksenhendler (FASTLITE, France)
- "Sub-10fs Self-Referenced Spectral Interferometry"
- Oren Pedatzur (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
- "High Harmonic Focusing by Spectral Caustics"
- Liang-You Peng (Peking University, China)
- "Attosecond Streaking in the Low-Energy Region"
- Yoann Pertot (Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Center, INRS, Canada)
- "Double Optical Gating for Intense Continuum High-Order Harmonic Generation from Carbon Plasma"
- Vladimir Andreevich Polovinkin (Institute of Applied Physics, RAS, Russia)
- "Attosecond pulses of XUV radiation via resonance with hydrogen-like atoms irradiated by intense laser field"
- Predrag Ranitovic (JILA, University of Colorado, USA)
- "Controlling the XUV transparency of He using two pathway quantum interference"
- Xianghe Ren (Shandong Polytechnic University, China)
- "Strong-field ionization of heteronuclear diatomic molecules"
- Mikhail Yu. Ryabikin (Institute of Applied Physics, RAS, Russia)
- "Quantum Path Interference in HHG: Impact on Harmonic Polarization and Molecular Imaging"
- Yusuke Sakemi (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- "Carrier-envelope-phase effects on high-order harmonic generation from atoms and aligned molecules"
- Taro Sekikawa (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- "Initial Process of Proton Transfer in Salicylideneaniline Studied by Time-resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy"
- Carles Serrat (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
- "Quantum Path Analysis of High Harmonic Enhancement by a DC-Electric Field"
- Niranjan Shivaram (University of Arizona, USA)
- "Probing Floquet State Dynamics of a Strong Field Dressed He Atom Using Attosecond Pulse Trains"
- Konstantinos Simeonidis (MPI for Nuclear Physics, Germany)
- "Sideband and Angular Distribution Oscillations of Photoelectrons observed by Attosecond XUV-Pump-IR-Probe 3D Momentum Imaging Spectroscopy"
- Hadas Soifer (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
- "Near-Threshold High-Order Harmonics Probed with Aligned Molecules"
- Anthony F. Starace (The University of Nebraska, USA)
- "Detecting Electron Motion in Atoms and Molecules with Attosecond Electron Pulses"
- Daniel Sebastian Steingrube (Institute of Quantum Optics, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)
- "High-order harmonics from intensity spikes during filamentation"
- Vasily V. Strelkov (A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute, RAS, Russia)
- "Attosecond Pulse Production via Resonant High Harmonic Generation"
- Eiji Takahashi (RIKEN, Japan)
- "Generation of microjoule isolated attosecond pulses by combining infrared two-color laser fields synthesis and an energy-scaleup method"
- Hao Teng (Institute of Physics, CAS, China)
- "Driving HHG from atomic and molecular gases by CEP controlled sub-5-fs laser pulses"
- Xiao-Min Tong (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
- "Infrared Laser Enabled Sub-Shell Auger Decay of Ar Atoms"
- Carlos Trallero (James R. Macdonald Laboratory, Kansas State University, USA)
- "Super continuum generation with high harmonics: Measuring attosecond pulses with a computer"
- Tobias Vockerodt (Institute of Quantum Optics, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)
- "Ultra broadband UV generation from femtosecond filamentation"
- Tobias Witting (Imperial College, UK)
- "Spatially resolved characterization of sub-4-fs laser pulses using spectral shearing interferometry"
- Chenxia Yun (Institute of Physics, CAS, China)
- "Complex spectra structure of attosecond pulse train driven by sub 2 cycle laser pulses"
- Zhen Zhai (Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics / Institute of Physics, CAS, China)
- "High-order harmonic generation by Rydberg atoms in a few-cycle laser pulse"
- Qingbin Zhang (RIKEN, Japan)
- "Dual-chirped optical parametric amplification scheme for generating high-power infrared pulses"